Victims and Offenders
While certain legislation that has been adopted in recent years has all but told us that victims in our state are not as important as those who victimize them, I can assure you that I have not quietly accepted this posture. Victims should be afforded the same effort in protections by the government that accused offenders are. Victims are traumatized by the acts that are committed against them. Witnesses can also be traumatized by what they have seen or heard. Due to the legislation, both accused and/or convicted individuals are often released to re-offend at will, while their victims are left to wonder when they will be victimized again. Unfortunately, due to legislative actions like "bail reform," some offenders will not be introduced to such programs that are available at the county jail. Programs that could be life altering. We will discuss them in the last paragraph below.
- The Wayne County Sheriff's Office will continue advocating for victims of crimes. Our relationship with vested county resources, such as the Survivor Advocacy Center of the Finger Lakes will continue to grow as we offer support. This winter, I will continue a fundraiser for this resource. Last Year Deputies raised $4,300.00 to support this non-profit agency that provides services for victims of domestic/sexual/dating violence, stalking, and child abuse. We are more than happy to back such a valuable county entity that supports our victims.
- I will work diligently with the Wayne County Office of the District Attorney to ensure that the crimes committed against the victims in our community are thoroughly investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Bail reform and new changes to Discovery rules have attempted to leave public safety, law enforcement and prosecution at a disadvantage. We are working hand in hand with the Office of the District Attorney and are rising to meet those challenges.
- Deputies will continue to be provided with the most current resources available to supply direction to victims who may otherwise feel that they have no one to turn to. Our county stakeholders who are there to supply support for victims will be introduced to Deputies so that a basic knowledge and understanding of the services available can be realized. We have already enhanced this endeavor this past year as we continue to work with the Wayne County Behavioral Health Network to spread the word!
- Public safety is about much more than enforcing our laws; it is about the protection of everyone. That includes those that are held in our correctional facility. Our Corrections Officers are committed to the safety and health of those within the confines of our county jail. We will maintain the service-provider programs that we currently have, and will be open to new ones, so that those who come to us through the criminal justice system will have the opportunity to take advantage of programs like; drug and alcohol counseling, mental health services, religious services, educational services and life skills.