Just some of the latest updates:
Being elected as Sheriff of Wayne County is an honor and a privilege. I will represent with pride, integrity and a motivated spirit as we navigate the upcoming years in office... together! This page features the latest news articles of local media as they related to the campaign, and to my time in office. Click on the headline to see the full article!
To all who have shown their support and encouragement, I graciously thank you!
Sheriff Milby Shares What He's Learned
Attorney General Lauds Wayne County Sheriff's Office for Drug Investigation
Undersheriff Ryndock Named Woman of Distinction for 2023
Ryndock, a 25-year veteran of law enforcement, was sworn in as undersheriff in 2022 by Sheriff Rob Milby, and is the first woman to hold the position.
Milby takes Sheriff's race by wIde margin
Milby will be Wayne County's next 'top cop'
Sheriff's Race-the One to Watch
From the Times of Wayne, October 17, 2021
Milby knowledgeable, has had impeccable career
Milby wins Primary over Steve MacNeal
On Tuesday, June 22, the Wayne County Republican-designated candidate for Sheriff, Rob Milby, retained his place on the Republican line for November. See the article from June 27, 2021 in the Times of Wayne County.
Former Sheriff throws Support to Milby
Retired Sheriff Richard Pisciotti endorses Rob Milby to be the next Sheriff of Wayne County. See the article in the Times of Wayne, June 6,2021.
Rob Milby is Outstanding choice for Sheriff
As a police retiree and former member of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors ,I find Chief Rob Milby to be an outstanding candidate for Sheriff and well qualified to meet the changing environment of policing and public service today.
Martin puts support behind Milby for Sheriff
A letter to the editor by Dr. Rich Martin
Virts promotes Milby to Chief Deputy
Wayne County Sheriff Barry Virts has promoted Robert Milby from Criminal Investigations Detective Lieutenant to Chief Deputy.
Wayne County Republicans Choose Candidates for November Election
On Saturday, January 16th, the Wayne County Republican Committee met to designate candidates for this Fall’s slate of County Offices. Milby was declared the Republican candidate for Wayne County Sheriff.
Milby gets party nods for Wayne County sheriff
Both the Republican and Conservative Parties nominate Rob Milby as their designee for Sheriff.